Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2 Rejab 1433H

cute guy being arrested - Courtesy from Teen Wolf
Permulaan hari yang sungguh hampeh!! puiiii!!! 

I get up early this morning.. 5 a.m. (usually i let my phone sang it heart's out haha an hour later i'll wake up in groggy monster-ish awful self.. and i did wake up early because i didn't perform my Isya' Prayer yet (Ya Allah, ampuni hambamu ini) :'(

after Subuh prayer i bersiap2 la nak gi keje.. the clock was 5minutes b4 6.. i said to myself "sempat nk kejar bas kul 6 ni" wah dgn semangat berkobar2 i left my house and heads to the bustop.. arrived at the bustop and i saw 2-3 org lagi org2 yg selalu nek bas kul 6 was already there.. pheww.. bas lom sampai..

half hour later.....

hoiiii!!! drebar bas kul 6 tdo ke ape?????????? abis la, 4 sure gonna berdiri dalam bas nih.. adoi laa.. takpe la redha je la, as long as tak lmbt kn.. kunun2 nek bas kul 6 leh la walk slowly to the office kn? sekali bas tak muncul2 lakss.. hampeh betul!!!!!!!! so there we were waiting 4 the 6.30 punye bas pulak...

20 minutes later.........

cilakak!! 6.30 punye bas pn xdak ke?????? aku dh start mendidih.. tadi panas simmering jek, ni dh naik suhu ke 360degrees (eh suhu darjah kepanasan ke 360 degrees ek? whatever!!) my last resort - sms my colleague yg duduk kt fasa 12 nk tumpang.. i rarely naik dgn dia sbb he's a married guy and segan jugak la kan eventho wife dia ok jek.. plus kalu tumpang dia sampai opis pangkalan jek.. then have to ask the abang2 polis there to send me to Bukit Aman.. hehehe.. segan la weih.. mcm big2 boss jek nk kena hantar sana sini.. but i have no choice because i'm so fed up with the bus service.. dh lama dh bus tak wat hal and dia pilih this day pulak nk wat taik.. ooohhh so %*&^##$%##%%


luckily my boss didn't mind.. ye lah.. he knows i duduk jauh and took public transport to work.. so i selalu jugaklah played the 'bas lewat' card eventho mata i yg takleh bukak nk bangun awal.. huhuhuuuuu

kincin kuat la lu!! 
hahaha :p


  1. oii repot kat boss hang kang baru hang tau!

  2. hahaha.. repot la.. repot kt balai polis tau?? hahaha ;p
